Richardson BubbleLife -
Tip for a Great LOCAL Holiday Gift


Get rewarded for supporting a great nonprofit and receive holiday gift that you can pass forward or use yourself.


What charity do you know who will give you a pound of native pecans in return for a $12 donation to their organization?

Loving Garland Green members picked these native pecans locally within the last two months.  They were cracked locally.  And members of Loving Garland Green, a local nonprofit, cleaned and bagged them.


Native pecans are not often found in stores—other than a few specialty shops where they can cost up to $25 pound this year.  Not many of them are sold commercially because processing and the resulting yields from the effort erode profit margins:  The shell of the native pecan is very tough to crack and the pecans are small. Thus it takes many pecans and a lot of labor to make a pound of them.  On the plus side for the native pecans, they are said by most to have the best flavor of all pecans—including the larger paper shell hybrids--some of which can be tasteless.  Bigger is not always better when it comes to pecans.


In addition to having a pound of native pecans, you will also be supporting an organization in raising local community awareness of the importance of growing some of the food they eat and in being more eco-friendly.

Loving Garland Green is the official steward of the Garland Community Garden at 4055 Naaman School Road in Garland Texas. Their mission is to help make their community more food secure by encouraging residents to grow at least some of the food they eat.   This organization works year-round with students (home-schooled and Garland ISD): They present classes on topics such as the importance of pollinators and native bees; they rescue monarch caterpillars and then tag and release them; they raise public awareness on the importance of becoming more eco-friendly; they help residents and students build gardens; they donate plants and trees to local school gardens; and more.

Donate $12 to Loving Garland Green during the months of December and January, help support your local community AND get a bag of native pecans. 

Call 972-571-4497 to reserve your bag today.  Delivery is free in Garland.

Others can pick up their bags at the Garland Community Garden on Sunday afternoons 2PM to 4PM.

Thursday, 08 December 2016