

The Magic Carpet, fueled by the imagination of the children who sit on it, is now dried out and ready to be replaced on its wooden pallet platform which was also scrapped to remove mud and dried out.

After a natural disaster is spent, things sometimes are restored to better than their original condition and that is what I’m seeing down at the Garland Community Garden. Before the Garland monsoon months of April and May 2015, we had a lovely fairy house down in the area we call “The Children’s Garden.” However, the protective coating of acrylic varnish over the bark of the dwelling was no match for the relentless pounding from Mother Nature. After five weeks of rain, we had to say good-by to the fairy house as it had totally fallen apart. But the magic has returned.

Cheryl Andres--a very active member of Loving Garland Green

One of Loving Garland Green members, Cheryl Andres stepped up to the plate to return magic to the Children's Garden area. Cheryl has built a wonderful creation that will serve not only for the entertainment and wonderment of fairies, children and adults, but also for pleasure and happiness of butterflies. This work of art created by Cheryl is made entirely from found objects, in keeping with Loving Garland Green’s commitment to sustainable living.

The Keeper of the Marbles appears to be quite satisfied with his new elegant home and its water feature

A few of the original features around the original Fairy House structure remain. For example, as you can see in the photo, the Rabbit Keeper of the Marbles and his abiding companion, the headless jester cat have survived.


Moving Onward and Upward

110 school children stopping by for a tour of the Garden
These students are from Watson Technology Center, a magnet school here in Garland. If you 110 of something that you think would be an appropriate giveaway for second graders, or if you would like to donate to support this event, please call Elizabeth Berry at 972-571-4497. [All donations are tax-deductible according to tax laws governing the operations of 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organizations.

Another Rain Barrel Designed by Ken Risser Installed
The rain barrel is beside the Loofah Tunnel, on a brick platform constructed of bricks donated by our local Kaiser Baptist Church, you’ll now see a lovely rain barrel, our second one in the garden that was designed by Ken Risser, a local Garland entrepreneur. This one has a dragonfly on it, along with the Loving Garland Green logo.

First Level of Hops Trellis Built On May 31
Charlie, with assistance from me, build the first trellis level for our hops plant. Eventually this trellis will reach approximately 10 feet high.

Wire Trellis Installed by Purple Hull Pea Patch On May 31
I installed this trellis in the pea patch. Thank you Colby for cutting the wire for me. Thank you also Colby for your generous donations of expanded shale.

Wednesday June 3 Meeting to Discuss Proposed Gutter Installation
Project Members of Loving Garland Green (LGG) may be meeting with a representative from the Garland Parks and Recreation Department to discuss permission to install a gutter system on the existing shed located on this property. The LGG Water Harvesting Team had already obtained estimates from three different gutter experts for this project.

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