
Winter Wildflower – December 4, 2015 – Garland Community Garden--In the garden you’ll always find hope for a better day.

As usual, when I’m upset about events on the national scene over which I have little or no control, I turn to the garden for solace.  Nature never lets me down.  This morning even in the approaching deadness of winter it is beautiful and still yielding food.   I collected twenty one-gallon bags of greens, turnips, rosemary and tarragon and delivered to the Good Samaritans of Garland Texas.

December 4, 2015 - Loading up Big Blue with a load from the Garland Community Garden:  Turnips, lots of greens, rosemary and tarragon

December 4, 2015 - Hugelkultur Container Garden at the Garland Good Samaritan Center

It did my heart good to see the Hugelkultur container garden we delivered a few weeks ago thriving.  It was also nice to meet yet another kind volunteer there at the Good Samaritans—Bill Matthews (“Mr. Bill”).  He has been volunteering twice a week at the Good Samaritans of Garland since 2007.  It's volunteers like Bill who help to build a strong and healthy community.


December 4, 2015 - Garland Good Samaritan Center -  "Mr. Bill", one of the many dedicated volunteers at the Garland Good Samaritan Center.

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