
License Plate:  BK5 1926

This 2004 Ford F250 3/4 ton truck was stolen from the driveway of a home located at 216 East Kingsbridge Drive in Garland Texas (in the area near Naaman School Road and Hwy 78).  The truck was likely stolen in the early morning hours (between 1am and 6am Sunday July 3). It belongs to a senior citizen who only could afford to carry liability insurance on it and who cannot afford to replace the truck.  Unfortunately for the community of Garland this is the only truck available for hauling materials, plants and equipment to the Garland Community Garden.

Let's Start a Revolution:  Zero Tolerance for Theft!

I've been mulling around for the past 24 hours, dealing with feelings of sadness, anger and frustration.  I remind myself of that character from the comedy/drama film "Network" written by Paddy Chayefsky who stands up and shouts:  "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more."  My thoughts are turning now to what one person can do to make this situation better.  Car theft is a huge problem in the DFW area.  The statistics in Garland are particularly dismal as 1 in every 360 residents can expect to have a vehicle stolen (Statistics from Neighborhood Scout).  This is unacceptable behavior--on the part of the people who steal the cars as well as those who know about it and keep their mouths shut.  We need to start standing up and standing together against crime.

Any revolution in human history can be traced back to one person—often it is a person who is fed up with injustice and/or perceived injustice who decides to take action--however, futile it might initially appear to be.  In so doing this person by example empowers others to do the same.  Before you know it, change is knocking on the door.  Please stand up with me on this one.


THE FIRST GIVEN FOR THIS THEFT OF CHARLIE'S TRUCK: At least one person and more than likely several people other than the thieves and those who received this stolen property know who committed this crime.  This is true for almost any crime that is committed.

People who in no way profited from this crime have knowledge of who did it.  I'm sure of that.  So I ask myself:  What can I as one individual with limited resources myself do to draw this person out and convince them to do the right thing for the greatest good by making this information available to the police.  In no way by any moral standards can this theft be justified.  It wronged Charlie and it wronged our community.  Those who remain silent are in fact accessories to the crime.


$200 Reward to the First Person who steps forward with information that leads to charges being filed against the thieves who stole Charlie's truck and/or leads to the recovery of the truck.

I will personally donate $200 to this pot.  I prefer that anyone with information regarding this crime to please call the Garland Crime Stoppers.  Should your information lead to charges being filed against the thieves, I will give the $200 to the Garland Crime Stoppers and they can add it to their reward pot above the reward amount they are prepared to give.  The thing about identifying the thieves who stole Charlie's truck is that you will be helping lots of innocent hard working people who are in line to have their vehicles stolen as well.  Nothing succeeds like success.  If we let thieves get away with their crimes, we only invite more.

Thieves can paint cars and get new license plates but the truck has several other identifying features.  Among other things, the windshield has a crack that runs all the way across the bottom from side to side and then up to one side.  It does not interfere with the driver's vision but if you see a 2004 Ford F250 with a cracked windshield, regardless the color or plates, please call Crime Stoppers.  We are not giving up on getting this truck back.  Some trucks are hot, well this one is sizzling.  We can even identify some of its parts as unique and traceable back to this particular truck and yes we will never stop looking.  This truck is special.  If you have information on this theft you may as well be the one to share it and make a few bucks.  These people are going to be caught.



Calls are received at the local Crime Stoppers tips line phone, 972-272-TIPS, during normal business hours Monday-Friday.  This phone is a stand alone instrument which does not provide caller ID, and conversations are not recorded.  Garland's Crime Stoppers police Coordinator receives the information, completes the tips information form, makes initial inquiries and then passes the information to the investigating officer. Calls are accepted regarding any publicized request for information, such as "Crime of the Week" or such other crime(s) the caller has knowledge of. 

By guaranteeing a caller`s anonymity Crime Stoppers allows the caller to give information in a positive atmosphere without the prospect of retribution. By offering cash rewards for information leading to indictment or arrests, the program encourages otherwise reluctant callers to provide information.


Charlie has expressed concern that people will feel sorry for him. Please don't. Neither of us are longstanding fans of pity. The only thing we are soliciting for here is the return of Charlie's truck and the apprehension of the thieves. He wanted to make that very clear. I totally agree with him.  There are a lot of folks out there hurting a lot worse than Charlie.  He is doing just fine and wanted to let you know that.

I am soliciting for a community that has the courage to stand up to crooks and report crimes to the authorities--nothing else. As far as I'm concerned, there is no heroism involved in protecting thieves.

To be perfectly blunt for which I am famous:  No money or goods or donations for either of us. Give to the Crime Stoppers. Give to Loving Garland Green. Give to the Good Samaritans or other food banks in our community.  Stand by your community.

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