
Charlie and Liz with Ole Blue Loaded Down for One of Our Local Schools

This 3/4 ton, 2004 truck did more for our local community than you might imagine.  Above you see it fully loaded with plants from Covington's nursery.  Because we had "Ole Blue" we were able to take advantage of a sale that offered "all the plants you can haul away" at summer's end in 2015.  Many of these plants went to help establish a Butterfly Garden at North Garland High School.  Even though the truck was owned by Charlie Bevilacqua shown on the left, it was used so much by Loving Garland Green that we thought of it as our truck.  Now, with it gone, I don't quite know how we will manage.  We used Old Blue to haul compost, mulch and produce to and from the garden.


I called the truck "Ole Blue" and indeed it was a faithful as any hunting dog ever was.

However, Old Blue, a good ole truck, did not die but rather was stolen from us by thieves who apparently didn't give a consideration to all the good the truck does for our community.   I am afraid the faithful 3/4 ton, 2004 Dark Blue Ford truck that Charlie Bevilacqua owned is already in pieces in a chop shop somewhere this morning.  Like most senior citizens, Charlie lives on a fixed income and cannot afford to replace the truck and no, he only could afford to carry basic liability insurance with no theft coverage.

Below is another photo of Blue with another of Loving Garland Green's members, Nancy Seaberg:

If you see this truck anywhere, please call the police immediately.  The Garland number is 972-205-2018.  Don't try to be a hero and follow it.  If you find it abandoned, don't touch it.  Again just contact the police.



You stole more than just a truck.  You stole a valuable resource that has a long history of helping the people in our community.

Shame on you!  Not only Charles Bevilacqua, one of the most generous and giving members of our organization, will suffer from what you have done, but all of our community will.  



You might even be able to make some money by turning the thieves in through the Garland Crime Stoppers.

Calls are received at the local Crime Stoppers tips line phone, 972-272-TIPS, during normal business hours Monday-Friday.  This phone is a stand alone instrument which does not provide caller ID, and conversations are not recorded.  Garland's Crime Stoppers police Coordinator receives the information, completes the tips information form, makes initial inquiries and then passes the information to the investigating officer. Calls are accepted regarding any publicized request for information, such as "Crime of the Week" or such other crime(s) the caller has knowledge of. 

By guaranteeing a caller`s anonymity Crime Stoppers allows the caller to give information in a positive atmosphere without the prospect of retribution. By offering cash rewards for information leading to indictment or arrests, the program encourages otherwise reluctant callers to provide information.

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