
Blackberries from my garden today weighed in at 1 and 1/2 pounds.  Current Market Value:  $7.96

[Today at the grocery store blackberries are selling $3.98 for 12 ounces.  I estimate that my two blackberry vines will yield approximately 10 pounds of blackberries this year.  That's $51.74 worth of blackberries. I consider this a good return on my investment.  Last June I purchased the two blackberry plants for $10 each. With the exception of a little bit of water, I've not spent any money or effort maintaining these plants.] 

One of the best pieces of advice I've heard regarding crop choice is:  Grow what you like that is expensive to purchase.  In my yard I have blackberries, strawberries, peaches, artichokes, golden potatoes, grapes, tomatoes, radishes, and a variety of greens.  I do grow a few carrots which are usually not that expensive; however, I love carrots and home-grown carrots are far superior to those found in the grocery store.

Most of the time I eat blackberries plain on my cereal in the morning, but tonight I decided to be adventurous and make  a blackberry cobbler, using a recipe I found on the Internet: 1/2 stick of butter, one cup self-rising flour, one cup of milk, one cup and 1/4 sugar and two cups of blackberries--bake 350 for one hour.  Below is a photo of the results.  It was wonderful and brought back many happy memories of cobblers baked by my mother.  Charlie and I had a warm slice with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

A garden is a treasure, a gift that continues to give.

Did you know that blackberries turn red when baked in a cobbler?


Later this evening I went across the street and took Gene and Margie each a piece of the cobbler.  You should see their back yard!  In fact, you will be able to see their back yard on Mid-Summer Night's Eve this year.  Loving Garland Green is putting together a Garland urban garden tour.  Mark your calendars for June 21 from 6PM to 9PM!  More details will follow. We plan to celebrate the longest day of the year with a Mid-Summer Night's Eve garden tour. (Yes, there will be fairies and lights.)  Margie and Gene's garden will be among the Garland gardens featured on the tour.  It is a treat to see all their ingenious garden enhancements.  Every time I go over there (which is about three times a week), there is something new added.  For example, tonight I discovered a new squash support--a little hoop trellis built of wire and extending from the inside of their raised bed out onto the grass.


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