
June 10 marks another Blackberry bounty from the one incredible bush.  This afternoon I picked 1 and 1/3 pounds.  Adding to it the 2/3's pound of blackberries that members of Loving Garland Green ate off the bush last night, that brings the grand total to date up to nine pounds of black berries from one bush.  At $3.98 for 12 ounces (Walmart prices), the current market value for my Blackberry harvest thus far this year is $47.76.

And the good news is:  There are still at least two pounds left on this bush AND there is one bush behind it in another raised bed that is poised to yield at least as many blackberries starting next week.

I'm very impressed.  I planted both of these thornless blackberries last year in July.

Oops!  I didn't realize it until I took a trip through the archives of my posts. I have two, not one blackberry bush in each raised bed.

Below is a photograph taken on June 28 of the two beds in which I have blackberries:

Four blackberry bushes shown in two raised beds in foreground-  June 28, 2013.

Below is the way they look today - June 10, 2014.  The first photograph is of the front bed shown in photo above from 2013.  The second photo below is of the second bed, near the middle of the photograph above from 2013.  That's how they look today, less than a year later.  As for fertilizer:  mulch, compost and coffee grounds.  Berries like slighly acidic soil.

Note:  The blackberries on this bush will be ready to begin harvesting next week--perfect timing since the bush in front is almost finished with its production for the year.

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