
The maps are almost finished.  Later this afternoon they will be featured on the homepage of Loving Garland Green and a few of them will be available tomorrow at Garland merchants.  Also, on Saturday morning members of Loving Garland Green will be handing them out at the downtown Garland Marketplace. You can start your celebration for the beginning of summer early while the produce and other goods at the market are still fresh.


Seven Gardens Are Featured on the Tour

Of course people can and should visit the gardens in whatever preference they choose.  That way, we won't have everyone at one garden at once.  You didn't hear this from me BUT:  

  • I would begin the tour with Daniel and Carol's garden at 2514 Diamond Oaks Drive- Garland 75044. Their front yard is all garden and is quite a treat to see.
  • From there go to Bob Phillips garden which is located at 3510 Colbath- Garland 75040.  Bob is a master gardener and his front yard looks like a florist shop.
  • After viewing Bob's garden, move on the Robert and Anita's garden which is featured at 3221 Kingswood Drive - Garland 75040. I really like their garden because they don't have a fence in their back yard.  The openness of it is quite lovely.  
  • From their garden of monster veggies, travel on over to 211 East Kingsbridge where you can see Margie and Gene's fantastic garden. I would park my car on Kingsbridge and walk to the rest of the gardens. In addition to Margie and Gene's plants and flowers, be sure to look at all their handiwork which includes yard art designed by Margie and special garden tools built by Gene such as a composter and a self-watering planter.  
  • From Margie and Gene's, walk across the street to my garden at 216 East Kingsbridge Drive.  You can't miss my garden because it is planted in my front yard and features a variety of mostly edibles--from artichokes to zucchini.  You will also have the opportunity to view the monster blackberry bushes and see the two that have produced over 10 pounds of blackberries this season.  
  • After looking at my garden, there will be arrow signs directing you down the alley to Charlie's place (two houses down).  Charlie's street address is 269 Bellwood Drive, but on foot, the alley is the fastest route.  Besides, Charlie's garden is out back.  He has raised beds surrounding his swimming pool.  Of all the gardens I've visited so far this year, Charlie's has the most and the tastiest tomatoes.  Charlie is also giving away seeds from his prolific brussels sprout plants.  
  • As a grand finale, end the tour at 4022 Naaman School Road which is the location of the Garland Community Garden--the first community garden in Garland built on City property.


Be sure to Visit the Winding Garden at the Back Edge of the Garland Community Garden

The Winding Garden is an approximate four feet wide and 170 feet long garden.  This garden space is created following a method of raised bed development often called the "Lasagna Raised Bed."  

To create these types of beds use cardboard, leaves and organic matter to create alternating layers.  Use two parts carbon or brown matter (dry leaves, small branches, cardboard) to one part green matter (green leaves and even vegetable scraps).  Many alternating layers that are heavily watered is the key to success.  Some even sprinkle a little garden soil every so often during the layering process.  The bed should be about 10 inches high when complete.  Mix about four inches of garden soil with compost and spread on the top of the bed. 

Personally, I am turning toward the lasagna method of building raised beds.  This method follows closely the method for constructing raised beds that was advocated by Ruth Stout for years.  She never tilled the soil in her gardens.  She never fertilized.  Instead, she just kept piling mulch (usually hay and vegetable scraps on top of the beds.  She would even sow seeds in the mulch.  She claimed (and her plants proved it) the decaying organic matter was all the fertilizer needed.  She also claimed that her gardens required little to no water.  (But we have to remember that she lived in New England.)  Of course, it is no surprise that she came to be known as "the mulch queen."  Ms. Stout lived well into her 90's and wrote several organic gardening books.

Be sure to notice the feeder baskets that we've inserted into the soil in many of the beds.  These baskets are cylinders fashioned by hand from chicken wire and sticks.  The basket is inserted about 10 inches down into the bed.  A mixture of vegetable scraps, coffee grounds and cardboard are put into the baskets--just about any non-animal organic matter except for citrus which worms tend to reject.  The baskets are watered to facilitate the decay process.  Roots of the plants are attracted to the basket for nourishment.  Some claim this method can reduce the need for water by up to 50%.

The Winding Garden April 29, 2014.


The Winding Garden June 8, 2014, about six weeks later.

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