
June 2, second Blackberry harvest yields 37 ounces of blackberries--about 2 and 1/4 pounds.  At today's commercial price of $3.98 for 12 ounces the dollar value is $26.94.

In my front yard garden I have two large blackberry bushes.  One bloomed almost three weeks prior to the other.  It had white blossoms and now is producing exceptionally large blackberries. Both bushes were planted last June. I'm sorry to say that I don't remember the variety of this one.  I remember purchasing the bush (a thornless variety) in a pot last year from Home Depot.

The other large blackberry plant in my front yard I grew from a cutting from a blackberry bush near my fence in the driveway out back.  I don't know where/how this plant originated but it has never done that well in the three or four years of its life.  I always thought it was because of all the tree roots it has to compete with in my back yard area.  The transplant in my front yard from this plant has grown a very large leafy green bush like the other.  However, it bloomed almost three weeks after the other blackberry bush and its blossoms were light violet colored.  It now has berries that are still green.  These berries are half the size of those from the other plant.


Garden Lessons from the School of Hard Knocks

Only plant seeds or cuttings from plants grown in your yard that were highly successful--even if you are planting them in what you believe to be a seemingly more advantageous spot in your yard.  In other words, don't make excuses for plants that are not successful in your yard.  I'm about to come to that same conclusion regarding plants from the squash family.  For some reason they will not grow to maturity in my yard.  My friends (Margie across the street) and Charlie (who lives behind me) grow great squash plants.  For me, they produce mediocre vines, bloom, and then wither.  Yes, I know the male female parts of the plant and I even tried pollinating them myself.



Thus far this one bush has produced four pounds of blackberries (62 oz).    Judging from the berries left on this bush, I estimate that another four pounds is forthcoming.  The total commercial value of these blackberries is thus far $34.90 and very likely could be as high as $69.80 from this one bush. If my other bush does only half as well, the commercial value of my blackberry crop will be at about $104.00.


Conclusions thus far Regarding Blackberries in my Yard and in the Garland Community Garden

I'm devoting more space for growing them in my yard.  I shall use cuttings from my successful plant.  Depending upon how successful (and tasty) the blackberries from the second plant, I may even rip that one out and replace that space as well with cuttings from the #1 blackberry.

Blackberries keep well and are high in antioxidants. Blackberries and strawberries are very high in ellagic acid, an antioxidant that acts like a scavenger to help make potential cancer causing chemicals inactive.   I will add blackberry vines to our winding garden at the Garland Community garden located at 4022 Naaman School Road.

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