
Crop Record for Charlie's Garden June 9:  3 large tomatoes and 9 cherry tomatoes weighed in at 1 1/3 pounds!  At a current market value of $1.99 for vine ripe tomatoes in the grocery store, this one harvest alone is valued at approximately $2.65.

Currently Charlie also has two and a half pounds of radishes from his garden in the refridgerator.  At a current market value of $1.69 a pound, that produce has a market value of approximately $4.20.
Produce is expensive!  It all adds up.  Plus there is no way to figure in the difference in quality as well as the experience of pulling a vegetable off a plant that you've grown yourself.  No grocery store tomato can ever compare to a home grown tomato!
Here is a closeup of Charlie's tomatoes.  You'll have to take my word for it as I've already eaten several of his tomatoes. They are indeed great!
 As mentioned, Charlie's garden will be featured on Loving Garland Green's Midsummer Night's Dream Garden tour scheduled for June 21, the Summer Solstice, from 6PM to 9PM.  Charlie's garden is somewhat unique in that all his beds are on top of the flagstone surrounding his swimming pool--just goes to show you that you can have a successful urban garden under seemingly the most adverse conditions.
Charlie has several types of vegetables growing in his garden.  For example, below  you can see how well his cucumbers are thriving and already he has his second batch of radishes pushing up through the soil.

In closing, Charlie just came in from his garden and reported l.5 pounds of brussel sprouts that he just harvested.  His garden is fabulous, and you can visit in on June 21 from 6 to 9PM and see it for yourself.

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