
Attendees of Loving Garland Green's June 16th meeting -  Every Monday 6:30 to 7:30 PM at 216 East Kingsbridge Drive 75040.  Loving Garland Green is a nonprofit organization and our meetings and membership are open to the public.


Last night the members took a vote and we decided to devote the last Monday of each month entirely to discussions and presentations of garden topics--no business.  We are not opposed to folks bringing homemade snacks from their gardens and kitchens to share with the attendees.

Monday, June 30th will be devoted to discussions of methods of organic pest control.  We are inviting members and guests to bring samples (or a sample) of their own special pest remedy.  

Names will be put into a flower pot and at the end of the meeting they will be drawn and the remedies will be given out to the winners.  In addition, if  you bring a concoction, please bring about 25 copies of the recipe for discribution.

Below is a photo of the giveaway organic pest control I'm bringing.  It is a can with both ends cut out of it.  It comes with no guarantees.  However, it represents my last-ditch effort to successfully grow squash.  To date all the squash I've planted grows into great vines with lovely flowers.  Then one morning I go to inspect my garden and the vine is withering.  I inspect closer to where the stem goes into the earth and I see the stem has a big hole in it.  From my childhood I remember my grandmother putting tin cans around her plants when they were young to prevent worms from eating the stems.  She did it with her squash as well as her tomato plants.  For me, knock on wood, bugs don't bother my tomatoes--only the squash.


Ever "the scientist", I've set up an experiment in one of my garden beds.  One squash plant with a tin can, one with a plastic plant container and two I've done nothing to.  I'll keep you posted on the developments.

In the meantime, if you want to learn about other methods of organica pest control, attend the Monday, June 30th meeting of Loving Garland Green from 6:30 to 7:30 at 216 East Kingsbridge Drive 75040.  Who knows what you might learn?

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