
THE GARLAND COMMUNITY GARDEN IS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE and the overwhelming majority of people who visit it are beautiful and like the garden itself, they teach me lessons every day.

I’m glad that so many people come to enjoy our garden.  If we had not installed our cameras, we would only know the tip of the iceberg about our visitors--the ones who come to the garden when we are there.  Over the last week since we installed our cameras, the Garland Community garden has had 30 visitors.  I had no idea. I would have guessed 30 people a month, not a week.

Here is one of the many lessons I recently learned (for about the 1000th time in my life) from the garden and a pair of its visitors:

Don’t make hasty judgements based on appearances. 

For example, one of our cameras recorded a video of two men walking through our garden.  I have to admit that I was suspicious and wondered: “What are they doing?”  I couldn’t see from the video taken by one of the cameras what they were doing, but when I downloaded videos from another one of our cameras, I saw.  They had brought wooden stakes and a hammer and were repairing fencing that we have around one of our beds.

The Garden also has night visitors.  Our cameras captured three teenage night sprites frolicking in the shadows of the garden.


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