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Finding a baby sitter that is a good fit with your family's interests is important- do you want a sitter who will take children to the park, help with homework, and play board games?

Moving to a new city is difficult, especially if you have children. With more than 5,000 families expected to move to the Dallas area in the next two years, due to corporate relocation with Toyota, Liberty Mutual, Chase and State Farm, College Nannies + Tutors in Frisco developed this  list. 


  • Determine what type of nanny or sitter best fits with your family: are you looking for a high- energy individual who will participate in games and sports, a quiet confidante who will read aloud, a nurturing sitter who will hold your baby for hours at a time? Each family and their children have their own unique needs and you need a caregiver who will be a good match and a role model to your children.


  • Determine when you need nannies or sitters- on a consistent schedule, after school every day, or daytime in the summer? Or occasionally, for a Saturday night or school holiday?


  • Have a Plan B in case your regular sitter or nanny can't make it at the last minute.  Do you have back-up?


  • Be clear about the expected duties: Are they transporting children in their car to practices, games and activities? Cooking meals for the children?  Helping with homework?


  • If you’re relocating, ask your Human Resources liaison if they have lists of referrals.


  •  Whether you have a lot of experience with nannies/sitters or this is the first time you are hiring someone, you need to know that the person you trust to take care of your children is reliable.  Conduct In-person interviews, do a national background check and  reference checks, and ask about child care training and certifications (such as CPR/First Aid).


  • If you hire a nanny directly, be aware of employment laws, tax and payroll implications requiring withholdings from your employee’s pay, and employer taxes you will have to file as a household employer.


  • Consider using a professional service, like College Nannies + Tutors, that has already thoroughly vetted the sitters and nannies they hire. They will also work to find the best role model match for each family and provide back- up care in case of an emergency. College Nannies + Tutors also has an app that allows you to book your favorite sitter in minutes.  Since they employ their caregivers directly, they care of all tax and insurance (including liability and worker’s comp) responsibilities.



For more information, call College Nannies +Tutors in Frisco at 469-312-5225. 

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