Lindsay Stout
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Brandi Sinclair, Circle of Friends Special Events Chair - Back to School & Easter, with Susan O’Brien, Special Events Chair - Fall Festival, and Gina Culpepper, Circle of Friends member.

New Friends New Life (, a Dallas-based nonprofit that provides holistic support in the restoration and empowerment of formerly trafficked and commercially exploited teens, women, and their children, announces its annual Circle of Friends membership drive taking place throughout the month of June.

Circle of Friends memberships directly support programs for the 1,000 teen girls and women New Friends New Life serves annually. These essential resources, including access to education, job training, and financial assistance, help serve as the foundation toward building a life free from degradation and harm.

“It is a privilege that through my volunteer commitment with New Friends New Life, I can be part of the restoration and empowerment of girls who have been abused and sexually exploited right here in Dallas,” said Elizabeth Gambrell, president of the New Friends New Life Circle of Friends board. “Getting these precious lives on a road to self-sufficiency is critical. The staff at New Friends New Life is uniquely and spiritually qualified to meet these girls right where they need to be met.”

The Circle of Friends group supports the nonprofit’s mission through volunteerism, community awareness, and fundraising, and provides the Dallas community with the opportunity to join a movement that helps women and teen girls leave sex trafficking, overcome backgrounds of abuse, addiction, and poverty, and ultimately build better futures.

“Texas ranks second in the country for the most human trafficking, and there are an estimated 400 trafficked teens on the streets of Dallas each night,” explained New Friends New Life CEO Katie Pedigo. “This is a serious issue in Dallas that requires the community to stand with us to support these teen girls and women. With the help of our Circle of Friends members, our organization continues to make critical strides in ending this human rights epidemic and providing a more hopeful future to the women and girls who have been victims of degradation.”

For more information or to join Circle of Friends, visit

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New Friends New Life, founded in 1998, restores and empowers formerly trafficked girls and sexually exploited women and their children. By providing access to education, job training, interim financial assistance, mental health, and spiritual support, New Friends New Life helps women and their children overcome backgrounds of abuse, addiction, poverty, and limited opportunities. For more information, visit or call (214) 965-0935.

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