Anna Adams
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On Saturday, November 15 early in the morning volunteers gathered to delivered a box of cheer to senior citizens in Richardson and the surrounding area.  Prior to this day, generous volunteers have packed “baskets” of food designed to provide a warm holiday meal as well as a gift bag of personal care items to our Network friends.  And so on this cold November cars are packed full of goodies and delivery begins. 

Lillian Lyons one of the recipients of this basket wrote these kind words, “Thanks to all the Network and all the volunteers for the wonderful Thanksgiving basket – my family “loved” the turkey.  You are so awesome and may God return to you 10 fold!!” Sincerely, Lillian. 


You are very welcome, Lillian…it is our pleasure to serve you.  Our holiday basket program delivered 320 holiday baskets to seniors in the Richardson area.    

NETWORK of Community Ministries, Inc., (NETWORK), founded in 1985, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization supported by businesses, individuals, and a coalition of religious, civic and social organizations. NETWORK officially opened its doors on February 3, 1986. It provides health and emergency services to children, low-income families, and senior citizens in need within RISD. The mission is “caring, coaching, and empowering our neighbors in need as they seek an improved quality of life.” The organization has three divisions: Emergency Services, the Adolescent and Children’s Clinic, and The Seniors’ Net. In addition to the service to families, NETWORK also strives to educate the local community on issues that affect those in need. NETWORK has a small paid staff and hundreds of volunteers who actualize its mission and vision to promote self-sufficiency for low income families. 91% of NETWORKs annual budget goes to programs and services for our clients. For more information on NETWORK, please visit, 

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