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August 3, 2015, Hillsboro, TX - Outreach Health Services, a locally based home health agency, is celebrating its 40 years of business in Texas by performing 40 acts of service over the next 40 days.

"We are calling it "40 Days of Service, 40 Years of Care," and we are all excited about the opportunity to serve our communities in this way," said Steve Abshier, Outreach COO. "Our employees, who normally serve the most fragile Texans by providing care in their homes, are going out into the community to serve in a variety of ways."

Last Thursday the employees of the Hillsboro CCD chose to host a fundraiser celebration in honor of Markel Holbert, a 4 year old little boy who has been fighting cancer since Thanksgiving day. The event included live music by well-known local gospel artists King Rap J, the Mt Gilead Praise Team. It was a wonderful event that raised almost $1,000 for Markel.

Here is a quote from Shadawn Burks, Data Coordinator, and organizer of the event, "This fundraiser was one I'll never forget. We laughed, we cried, and we fellowship. God's presence was evident. I hope and pray we make this an annual celebration.

John David, Executive Assistant, said, "It was so encouraging to see our Outreach family come together in support of Markel and his family. I could not be more proud of our Hillsboro staff for living out our mission statement by giving back to the community. Our thoughts and prayers are with Markel in his brave fight with cancer."

Outreach Health Services has over 100 offices across Texas. Staff will be performing dozens of acts of service in small towns and big cities throughout the state. "Instead of an extravagant party or event, our staff chose to do acts of service in their hometowns," said Brian Partin, Outreach CEO. "Seeing our staff, who are already so caring, in their 40 Days of Service T-shirts serving their neighbors is an awesome sight. I couldn't be more proud of our employees."

Outreach Health Services is a leading health care provider to individuals, families, and the community. Providing quality home health care, intensive behavioral health, family and nutritional health, community care, self-directed services, and personal emergency services has been our mission for 40 years. Outreach is proud to serve over 50,000 valued clients each month across the State of Texas.

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