Leigh Moore – Guest Contributor
Apr 30 @ 3:05 pm
LOST IN YONKERS at Richardson Theatre Centre



Central Standard Time



Richardson Theatre Centre
518 W Arapaho Rd, Ste 113
Richardson, Texas, 75080

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Richardson Theatre Centre presents:
by Neil Simon
Co-Directed by Rachael Lindley and Deborah Key
May 17 - June 2
Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 pm, Sundays and the second Saturday at 2:00 pm and
Thursdays at 7:30 of the second and third week.
Neil Simon's Pulitzer Prize-winning dramedy beautifully captures the humor, conflict and heartbreak of a Jewish family living in Yonkers in 1942.  Bella is thirty-five years old, mentally challenged, and living at home with her mother, stern Grandma Kurnitz. As the play opens, ne'er-do-well son Eddie deposits his two young sons on the old lady's doorstep. He is financially strapped and taking to the road as a salesman. The boys are left to contend with Grandma, with Bella and her secret romance, and with Louie, her brother, a small-time hoodlum in a strange new world called Yonkers.
RTC is located at 518 W. Arapaho Rd. Suite 113, Richardson 75080 behind Tongue in Cheek Ice Cream.  
Tickets are $22 for Thursday, Saturday matinees, Sunday matinees and $24 for Friday and Saturday night shows.  To purchase tickets please go to Richardson Theatre Centre | Buy Tickets, Packages or make a Donation on