Trinity Fellowship Church
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Dr. Mitch Glaser, President of Chosen People Ministries, will be speaking at Trinity Fellowship Church on Sunday, February 26th, at 9:30am. 

Dr. Glaser is an alumnus of Northeastern Bible College, holds a Master of Divinity degree in Bible from Talbot Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary School of World Mission. He has written extensively, and was awarded Christianity Today magazine's 2009 Award of Merit for the book To The Jew First: The Case for Jewish Evangelism in Scripture and History, which was co-edited with Darrell Bock. 

Throughout its long history, Chosen People Ministries has been unwavering in its commitment to bring the Gospel message of salvation in Jesus “to the Jew first and to the Gentile” throughout the world. In stressing the Jewish roots of Christian faith, Chosen People Ministries hopes to make the message of the Messiah more accessible to Jewish people and also to help Christian believers achieve a greater appreciation of the Jewish basis of their own faith traditions.

This meeting is open to the public and Trinity Fellowship Church would like to invite the Christian and Jewish community to attend. All are welcome. 

Trinity Fellowship Church is located at 932 S. Greenville Ave., Richardson, TX  75081.

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