Richardson BubbleLife -
Protect Yourself and Your Family From the Extreme Heat

It took longer than usual to get here but the Texas heat has finally arrived. Temperatures have soared into the triple digits and will likely stay there until mid- to late-September. Children and the elderly are most susceptible to heat-related illness, so keep a particular close eye on those family members.

People suffer heat-related illnesses when their bodies are unable to compensate for the extreme heat and fail to cool down. When the body fails to cool itself down, the body's temperature rises rapidly and can damage the brain or other vital organs.

Not surprisingly, air conditioning is the number one protective factor against the heat. Staying indoors is the best way to protect yourself from the heat. If the air conditioning at home isn't working well or is broken, get it fixed immediately; meanwhile, hang out at the mall, the local coffee shop or even a swimming pool until the home air conditioner is working again.

Keeping oneself hydrated is just as key. Dehydration can occur quickly and without a person being aware of it until it's already happening. Doctors generally recommend that people working out under the sun should drink two to four glasses of water every hour to stay hydrated.

Keep these tips in mind, as well as common sense, and stay cool during the summer.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012