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How to Write a Thriller: Discussion With Author L.A. Starks

Join Dallas based author, L.A. Starks this Saturday, Jan. 12th at 2 pm, Barnes & Noble Prestonwood Center. The author of The Second Law will share how her background prepared her to write plausible catastrophes within her thrillers.....making us think 'could this happen in real life?'
Find out about thrillers in general and what's on Laura's reading list for 2019

What others are saying about the new thriller The Second Law 

Rating: 5 Stars Global Energy Thriller. In L.A. Starks' newest thriller, "The Second Law," oil refining executive Lynn Dayton is confronted with a high-pressure alarm at her San Francisco-area facility. Initially thought to be a "computer glitch," Dayton and her team soon conclude the problem was caused by malware implanted in the refinery's control system...clearly sabotage. Meanwhile, another terrorist act is in progress. A giant U.S. oil tanker with a bomb hidden onboard slowly makes its way to a Gulf of Mexico offshore oil terminal. Events move quickly from San Francisco to New Orleans, Vienna, China and back to the U.S. in a compelling plot that features murder, intrigue, espionage and terrorism committed by agents acting primarily on behalf of foreign countries and their respective economic or political interests. Those who enjoy contemporary fiction based on current geo-political events ripped from today's headlines will enjoy and appreciate the technical detail, taut writing and fast-moving plot of "The Second Law." Highly recommended.

      -–Coast Guy, Amazon Reviewer

The Second Law ranked #4 on the weekly Oklahoma Bestsellers in Fiction from NewsOK!

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. Hold on for the ride of your life as you learn about the energy industry and what vulnerability we have based on our competitor's needs and long-term plans. There is a mystery, intrigue, murder, cyber-warfare, international competitive interruptions, and many more twists and turns.

      -–Pam V., Goodreads

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. My first book by this author. I enjoyed reading it. It had a good story to it. I liked the variety of characters in it. I hope to read more books by this author.

      -–Darren Martin, NetGalley Reviewer

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. I loved that book because it was a suspenseful action packed thriller that should be read by our public officials.

      -–Michael Petkus, NetGalley Reviewer

Monday, 07 January 2019