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The Warren Center, a nonprofit agency providing professional evaluations, therapy services and support to children with developmental delays and disabilities – is pleased to announce the appointment of Leslie Clay as vice president of development.

“We are thrilled to have Leslie Clay lead our development team,” says Amy Spawn, CEO of The Warren Center. “For more than 50 years, the Warren Center has made a concerted effort to advocate, serve and empower children and families impacted by developmental delays and disabilities. We are confident that Leslie’s vast experience will empower us to serve more families.”

As vice president of development, Clay will lead all aspects of fundraising operations. She brings nearly two decades of nonprofit experience to The Warren Center. Clay most recently served as chief development officer for Hope Cottage, where she managed fundraising, grant writing, marketing, public relations, communications, event planning and donor relations for the organization. Prior to her position at Hope Cottage, she served as the director of community development for Literacy Instruction for Texas (LIFT) and has experience in both program and development work with the Crohns & Colitis Foundation of North Texas and the National Kidney Foundation Serving North Texas.

Clay received a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree from Stephens College and earned a Masters in liberal arts from Southern Methodist University.