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Each year, the J.J. Pearce Choral Department performs its own themed show as well as performing at choral department concerts, the spring pop show, feeder middle and elementary school tours and all over the community for civic groups, corporate events, conventions, banquets, churches and private parties.

J.J. Pearce Choral Department presents "Peace, Love, Forte 2013 -- Music of the '60s and '70s" on Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23 at 7:30 p.m located in the J.J. Pearce Auditorium.

Forte was started in 1981 by Woody Christman, Pearce H.S. choral director from 1978 to 2005. A mixed ensemble of 13 girls and 13 boys is directed by Michael Lysinger and Laura Taylor. It's a vocal ensemble that specializes in a variety of musical styles including pop, rock, county, jazz and musical theatre. The members are selected by audition each spring.

If you're interested in attending "Peace, Love, Forte 2013," then tickets will be anywhere between $8 and $12. For more information, please call 469-593-5024 or visit

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