Richardson BubbleLife -
Claudia Tatum declines to participate in LWV-Richardson's forum

April 4, 2015


Claudia Tatum declines to participate in LWV-Richardson’s forum

This election season, the League of Women Voters of Richardson has planned a forum for Richardson City Council candidates.  The forum will be at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14, 2015, in the Grand Hall of the Richardson Civic Center.

 All candidates, whether in a contested race or not, were invited to attend.  Only contested candidates, in Places 1 and 4, were invited to participate in the question-and-answer portion of the forum.

 Claudia Tatum, a candidate for Place 4, has declined to participate in the forum.  Her opponent, Mabel Simpson, has agreed to participate, but it is the League’s long-standing policy that at least two candidates for a given office must be present to proceed with a forum for that office.  Therefore, if Ms. Tatum does not agree to participate, Place 4 will not be included in the question-and-answer portion of the forum.

 The Place 1 candidates (Bob Townsend and Rick Wilder, listed in ballot order) have both agreed to participate, and we will proceed with a question-and-answer session between those two candidates.  All uncontested candidates, with the exception of Mayor Laura Maczka, have agreed to attend and give closing statements.  Ms. Simpson will be asked to give a closing statement as well.

 As an organization that seeks to educate the community it serves, the League of Women Voters expects candidates for office to participate in nonpartisan public forums.  By declining to participate, candidates deny the community an opportunity to learn more about them and their positions on the issues.

 We strongly urge Ms. Tatum to reconsider her decision not to appear.  Voters should have an opportunity to question the candidates in this important race.


Ellen Steger, President

League of Women Voters of Richardson

2015 COR Flyer April 14 7pm.jpg
Saturday, 04 April 2015