
This is the perfect time to book that family holiday photo shoot.

Or just a new head shot.

We have just enough time to find a location and get that great family shot for your holiday greeting cards.

So book your shoot NOW while there are still openings.

We can shoot at any number of outdoor locations, at your home or office or in my Richardson studio.


Mr. Harris credits an art class taken in Marin County in 1992, with vastly improving his appreciation of art and his compositional skills, while confirming his long-held belief in an inability to draw anything recognizable. An epiphany in 2006, caused him to re-embrace his first love of photography, acquire new digital equipment, and attack the art form with a vengeance, determined to make up for what he feels is “lost time”. Never without a camera, Warren captures new images for his collection on a regular basis and has embraced digital manipulation to create his frequently dark and other-worldly images. In spite of being advised by a multitude of friends and relatives that “There is nothing to see in Texas.”, Warren pursues the obscure and fascinating beauty he finds throughout the vast expanse of the Lone Star State. Content to ride his Harley for hours at a time down endless 2-lane highways, exploring the myriad small towns that pepper the Texas countryside, he finds gems of Texas history everywhere he trains his lens. A 2015 feature article in the Dallas Observer characterizes Harris as "Grateful Dead Roadie Turned Prolific Texas Photographer" - Contact Warren Paul at  
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