
When you hear those words do you think, “Ugh, I’d rather be doing anything else!”?  You’re in good company – many people feel that way.  I’m the opposite.  I think, “Great, let’s get to it!”  To me, spring cleaning means getting rid of excess baggage to make room for new things.  It means taking an inventory, organizing and putting things in their place.  I feel lighter, more optimistic and more creative after I drop off a load of unnecessary things at the local donation center.  I have found that if I don’t take the time to clean out the closet periodically, I end up like the old cartoon with an avalanche of stuff falling on me when I open the door.

I think our lives are like that, too.  They need some spring cleaning every now and then. We need to get rid of excess baggage that is weighing us down and holding us back.  We need to clean out our hearts and put the past in its place.  Most people would probably agree these tasks are important and helpful, but they can be hard to do.  For some the task itself may seem tedious because it takes time and it’s likely to uncover unpleasant or difficult things.  Some may feel like they already have a closet full of overwhelming feelings or painful memories.  They feel they can’t open the door because they will never get it closed again and that can be scary.

There is no question this work can be challenging but I think the same strategy that professional home organizers use can make the process more manageable.  Professional organizers suggest working on one room at a time.  Start with one area of your life or one issue you or your family struggles with and focus on that first. Ask the Lord to help you face it head on.  Look at your thoughts and feelings about this issue.  Do they tend to be negative?  How do they influence the decisions you make in this area?  How can you replace those thoughts with more helpful ones that will produce more positive feelings?  How can changing those thoughts and feelings free you to make healthier decisions in your life or have more positive interaction in your family?

If you are ready to do some spring cleaning in your life and you need some support, reach out.  Reach out to a friend or family member who can walk with you.  If you think you might need more help than friends and family can provide, consider contacting a professional to support and guide you as you lighten your load and make room for new and exciting possibilities in your life.

Happy spring cleaning!

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