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The three recipients are: Tekayla Dixon, Aida Isayas and Feven Kahsay. Also present are Tekayla’s parents, President Elect Jim Waldorf and spouse Gwynne and President Wayne Mayo.

Richardson Central Rotary awarded three new scholarships during their first annual Awards and Appreciation Picnic. The three recipients are: Tekayla Dixson, Aida Isayas and Feven Kahsay. Prior to the picnic RCRC President Wayne Mayo and Scholarship Chairman James Waldrof met with the students to announce that they each were awarded $1,500.

Richardson Central Rotary places over 800 American flags in front of subscribers homes to raise funds for events such as the scholarship program. The Club has donate over $50,000 to local non-profit organizations. Visit for more information on the flag program. If you are interested in becoming a Rotarian please contact Ginger Mayo at

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W. Mayo, Hunter Stephens, Bob Clymire, Don Johnson

On Friday December 19, Richardson Central Rotary Club presented the City of Richardson Supervisor and Employee awards for 2014. The two honorees are Hunter Stephens Supervisor of the Year and Bob Clymire Employee of the Year. Hunter Stephens is the Utility Systems Superintendent- Public Services Department and Bob Clymire is the Assistant Budget Officer - Budget Department. Richardson City Manager Don Johnson was the emcee giving the highest praise to both recipients. Richardson Central President Wayne Mayo presented awards. This is the twenty-second year that the awards have been sponsored and presented by the Richardson Central Rotary Club.

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Carl Bonds (L) award by RCRC President Wayne Mayo (R)

Carl Bonds was presented the Rotary Ethics Award during the Richardson Chamber of Commerce EDGE Luncheon by Richardson Central Rotary Club President Wayne Mayo.

 Held on Wednesday, November 12, the Chamber gathering is held in conjunction with the three Richardson Rotary Clubs recognizes companies that have achieved extraordinary success and/or made a significant in Richardson. The Ethics awards are presented to outstanding individuals in who show continuous integrity either in business or volunteer work.

 Mr. Bonds has been a member of Rotary for 30+ years. During that time he has shown the highest ethics in his own business, Bonds Benefit Company and in the community as a leader in his church, serving twice as the President of Richardson Central Rotary Club along with multiple other officer, board and community positions.

 Carl lives ethics as a way of life setting an example that anyone would benefit. 


Dr. Scott Kellermann will speak to Richardson Central Rotary this Friday, Oct. 17, noon at the Richardson Hyatt Hotel. His topic is the Kellermann Foundation and the work that it has done in the southwest corner of Uganda next to the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. Dr. Kellermann has founded a hospital that has been the top rated hospital 5 of the last 6 years of its existence. He has also created a nursing school that is being considered as a model for other underdeveloped countries and his wife has worked to create some development programs for the Batwa pygmies, who today may not have existed without the help of Dr. Kellermann. The hyatt hotel is located on the northeast corner of Hwy. 75 and Campbell.


Come have lunch at the Richardson Central Rotary Club on friday November 7, 2014 and learn about the Rotary Foundation and all of the great things it supports. H. Glen Rowe, District 5810 Rotary Foundation Chairman will tell us about the Foundation and his trips to Mexico, Guatemal, Poland, England and Nicaragua on Rotary Projects. Also hear about the Rotary Youth Exchange and Group Study exchange for young professionals.

The Richardson Central Rotary Club meeting begins at Noon and promptly ends at 1:00 pm. Come early if you are eating lunch with us. We are located in the Richardson Hyatt Regency Hotel. It is located on the north east corner of Highway 75 (Central Expwy) and Campbell Road (701 E Campbell Rd.).